Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Responsibility of User Groups

A couple recent issues caught our attention. One had to deal with the Soccer Dome and the second with the pool complex at the new rec centre. In both cases, the user groups had petitioned for facilities and committed to financially support the operation , either through fund raising or operating expenses. However, it appears that taxpayers are being left to foot the bill now that the structures are built.

For example, the fund raising commitments by pool users were not even close to achieved -- and the user groups have indicated they aren't doing anything further. What scarce dollars they did raise were mainly because of selling room sponsorship. Not really fundraising.

In the case of the soccer dome, the town is not fully utilizing their allocated summer time to run programs to generate revenue, but are still paying the costs -- while the private owners are using town time without contributing to the costs.

It is very important for communities to provide facilities, but why do we provide high-end facilities based on user group commitments, when the user groups don't fulfil their obligations.

What responsibility do users groups have to fulfil their commitments -- and what should the town do when they don't?

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Anonymous said...

If they're not contributing as per their agreement, cut them off.

Anonymous said...

This comment is somewhat in response to both the "The Responsibility of User Groups" and "2009 Budget Priorities", as well as a general observation.

I am specifically addressing the meeting that will be held tonight on the future of the Wells Street Public School.

The "Politburo" is showing up, en-mass tonight for this meeting. It would appear that the saving of this school has been deemed to be Comrade Gallo’s re-election platform. (Actually, I guess that would be his election platform).

The fact that the building has been condemned, and that there are insufficient students in that area to justify, is of course irrelevant. In addition, the property does not qualify under current Board guidelines for building a school.

A small vocal group have decided that keeping this is important, and the Politburo, sensing a way to get some votes, at, theoretically, no cost to the "Aurora" tax payer must find this irresistible.

So, we potentially have a group “screaming the loudest”, who will get a priority and who will not really have to pay for it, as the costs will be spread across the entire tax base.

How long until the next municipal election?


Anonymous said...

Regarding the Wells Street school issue, I believe the school board will make the right decision rather than cave for a small vocal group. I wish the same could be said about this Council.

Anonymous said...

I believe the precedent of underachievment was set with the infamous group NAFAR.

This is the organization that launched the political career of Mayor Morris.

You see, for those that may have forgotten, the then Ms. Morris was the self imposed leader of a group of citizens who formed a committee to raise funds to build a second ice pad at the community centre, now ACC2.

This group fell woefully short of their fundraising goals (check the records) but somehow they managed to take full credit for bringing the third ice pad to Aurora.

Smoke and mirrors, works everytime...just look at the progress being made at the Town hall.

See any commonalities?