Thursday, August 28, 2008

Community Corner: Will anyone bag your groceries?

A reader asked the following question. Does anyone have an answer?

Can someone tell me why the Superstore in Aurora has changed?? We have been shopping there (and Loblaws before that) for a long time now, but in the past couple of months? whenever we have gone shopping we have to 'bag our own' groceries.

We might as well go to Price Chopper or No Frills if this the case, and the prices are cheaper. My husband did write to the head office, but got no response. I asked the cashier and she said that soon every store will be getting rid of plastic bags (good for the environment), which didn't answer my question - because I already use my reusuable shopping bags. I just want someone to bag them for me.

Who knows??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was told by a cashier that they were still bagging, but after all items had been rung through.