Friday, September 26, 2008

Communication - strategy or tactic?

Came across this quote from Dimitris Chryssochoou (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Crete) on a blog out of the UK about the development of the EU.

The quote is about theory, but as political leaders, if the word theory was replaced by democracy then it is extremely relevant for creating involment in our own community.

"Theory (democracy) generates pluralism, pluralism produces choice, choice creates alternatives, alternatives formulate debate, debate encourages communication, communication increases awareness, awareness minimizes dogmatism and in this way there is a propensity to develop greater and better understanding...."

Yes I know, big words for a blog, but I loved the linkages .... too many leaders forget the link. They view communication as a tactic to be used when it works for their own objectives. In reality it should be an overriding strategy -- the source of understanding and community input.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent point - move beyond the sound bites and actually SAY something...

and I love the quote...