Sunday, September 28, 2008

Guest Post: Graffiti Clean up day – a HUGE success!

Thanks to Councillor Collins-Mrakas for the following Guest Post.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of the AURORA CITIZEN.

This past Thursday September 25th, on a gorgeous fall day, nearly 70 volunteers came together to offer their support and hard work towards the first York Region Police and Town of Aurora Graffiti Clean-up Day. It was a fantastic day as everyone came together to demonstrate their commitment to the community in which we live.

As a result of everyone’s hard work, well over a third of the identified sites of graffiti in town were cleaned up in a space of just under 3 hours!! At the end of a morning of hard work, our volunteers joined together at the Town Park to enjoy a well-deserved barbecue courtesy of Greg Foster of M & M Meats. The day was well received and covered extensively by Rogers TV, The Auroran, SNAP and Sing Tao Daily, Markham.

A huge thank-you to all the volunteers from: York Region Police, the Mayor and Aurora Town Council, Town of Aurora Staff, York Region Police Auxiliary, Town of Aurora Ad-Hoc Graffiti Abatement Committee, The students of Aurora High, the students of Dr. G.W.Williams, Neighbourhood Network, Bell Canada, Bacon Basketware, and the numerous other residents who simply showed up to help.

Special thanks to The Auroran and to the Optimists Club for their very generous donations which helped make the day possible.

Thank-you to the AURORA CITIZEN for publicizing the event.

Finally, thank you to everyone for your support and for making the first YRP and Town of Aurora Graffiti Clean-up Day a huge success!

Alison Collins-Mrakas,
Councillor, Town of Aurora

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A special thank you to all those who participated in the graffiti clean-up day. It is people like you who make Aurora even a better place in which to live.

