Sunday, November 23, 2008

Discussion: Aurora Traffic Woes

The northeast quadrant is proceeding with new speed humps along Mark Street. However, there doesn't seem to any real consensus on whether the residents want these or whether they are having the intended impact.

What role will citizens have with the Traffic Advisory Committee on this issue?

What other traffic issues are we concerned about. Former Council Ron Wallace used to complain bitterly about Yonge and Wellington -- is this still an issue. The new Dundas and Yonge traffic signals may have some learning we can benefit from.

What about the speed zone on St John's where it drops for approx 300 yards from 60 to 50 kms. Most regular travellers along that stretch are well aware of the situation.

What is Wellington and Leslie starting to look like now that the stores are starting to open. Will it end up like in Newmarket leading to/from the big box area?

Traffic flows like water -- to the path of least resistance. Whenever changes are made to one area to lower traffic just moves the traffic elsewhere and becomes someone else's problem.

Until we reduce the cars on the road, the problems will not disappear -- just become someone else's.

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