Sunday, November 23, 2008

Discussion: Legal Fees

One reader asked whether the Mayor would consider placing an ad about the legal fees and what they were spent on.

This Council seems on the way to a record for external legal expenses. Shouldn't we know what they are being spent on? Then we can decide whether the dollars (our tax dollars) are being spent on issues of importance to the Town -- or those of importance to Council.

Hopefully this will be part of the budget process and we can all see it broken down by issue and dollars spent. Bouquets to the Councillor who insists on it!

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Anonymous said...

Good on you Heather. You are helping the cause. You need to take credit. Credit where credit is due!

Anonymous said...

Good on you Heather. You need to openly take credit.
Credit where credit is due.

Anonymous said...

If there's nothing to hide, let's see the list and please don't underestimate the citizen's ability to translate. We don't want a summary...we want the cold hard facts. Surely, that's not much to ask from a open and transparent leader?