Saturday, November 22, 2008

Diversity is Good!

We teach our children that we live in a diverse world -- one where different points of view are welcome and encouraged. Municipal politics should be no different

The comments on the latest post showed that this blog has started to evolve as a conversation and that is what is intended.
  • We had saw some great points made about different side of various issues. Hopefully we will see more.
  • We've questioned the facts -- what is really happening at Town Hall and what is the spin -- from either side of the issue. And importantly, we are demanding more transparency.
  • We saw people use pseudonyms versus anonymous, so people could track individual perspectives and address their responses to specific people. Thanks "Not Walt" for making that suggestion. So pick you nom de plume and start contributing.
  • We've all become bored with "anonymous" who's only contribution to-date has been to complain about the anonymous posts -- while making all their own posts anonymous.
So folks -- congratulations.

Over the weekend, we will start conversation threads on a number of topics that have been discussed, so people can weight in on whatever topics they want.

Also, if there is another topic you would like to see discussed -- send a note or post under your new pseudonyms and we will start a new discussion.

Please take the opportunity to tell your friends and neighbours who share your interest in town affairs to get in on the conversation.

Have a great weekend.

Use the envelope and pencil icons immediately below to forward this post to friends or leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

Sounds patronizing to me... definitely smacks of trying to shape or spin or manipulate. Is this how you define transparency?

Anonymous said...

I'm not bored with anonymous. Who are you to make that kind of judgment while you pretend to support diversity? Either everyone is entitled... or not.

Anonymous said...

My gawd people, quit being so flippin' paranoid. I'd love not to have to criticize the mayor on every turn but damn it, she's the queen of paranoia! Her supporters (dwindling) don't need to flatter themselves by thinking contributors to this blog are threatened by them. The only reason for the anonymous moniker is because we don't trust her (and her Sergeant-at-Arm, McEachern) to take it out on staff and others dealing with the Town. You see some take critisizm as a form of flattery, others do something about it.

Anonymous said...

What a nice little pat on the head from Aurora Citizen to all the “folks” who’ve written in. Good for us, boys and girls.

But just as I was feeling all warm and fuzzy and compliant, how bizarre to read this: after months of defiantly defending those who made anonymous contributions, Aurora Citizen has concluded that anonymity is boring!

Of course, it is not boring when you are that highly recognizable person-about-town known as Aurora Citizen and can sign in using blue letters (when you’re not using black letters to pose as someone truly anonymous).

Now, children, we are instructed to choose our nicknames and move up from anonymous to pseudonymous. This will promote progress and diversity, officially declared good by Aurora Citizen.

How silly too to read that “Not Walt” (could it really be Walt in disguise?) concludes that an anonymous contributor is a flack for the mayor. Diversity is good, but when someone presents another divergent point of view, they are quickly labeled a flack, whose ideas are unworthy of consideration.

So even though Aurora Citizen has declared a new agenda, it’s the same as the old agenda, except with pseudonyms. The emperor is wearing new clothes, and so should we all.

Diversity is good, as long as it is the diversity approved by Aurora Citizen and Evelyn Buck.

It is clear there are two armed camps – the mayor on one side and Aurora Citizen/Evelyn Buck on the other – and each side follows the same mantra: You’re either for us or against us.

Of course, that’s what war is about. And it's guaranteed to bring out the best in all of us.

Signed, Not A Flack
(And Not Flippin' Paranoid Either!)

Heather said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the other topics promised this weekend!

Heather said...

And you too can have your name in blue letters, all you have to do is sign in with a google account identification. I almost hate to suggest it, but if you're really afraid to sign your own name and want comments to be sent to you directly, open a google account under whoever you'd like to be. Mr. Pseudo Nym, even.... then you can keep up with everything that's going on. I like the Atom comment reader - makes it very simple to follow all the comments.

Anonymous said...

Doomed if you, doomed if you don't. This is one war nobody wins. So keep it up people keep sending in your opinions because people fought a war so you could. I love to read and form my own opinions. I am not paranoid just informed of what is going on out there.

Anonymous said...

Hey Goodie two shoes,
The cat is out of the bag, about your not so secret identity.

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that Heather Sisman is Goodie two shoes.
Is this true?
What does it mean?

Heather said...

Nope, it wasn't me using the nickname - I use my own name. I wish I'd thought of it though, given the shoe connection!

Anonymous said...

The freedom is exillerating. Who would have thought! But trust me when I say I am not Heather Sisman.

Anonymous said...

I guess it this kind of interaction that renders this site useless. It's a given when the whole appeal of the site rests on the mystery of who is behind it.
I know my friends are just having fun with the "Where is Waldo" aspect of the site. We love that Bill Hogg spelt it all out about having your friends write in.
And let there be no mistake we are amusing ourselves.
Thank you Heather Sisman/Anonymous/Goodie two shoes.
When work gets tedious we can always turn to Aurora Citizen for comedic relief.
And thank you Heather for keeping the good humour flowing. Everyone appreciates a good laugh!

Heather said...

Ok, so riddle me this, Anonymous. Why do you need to be anonymous? Who are YOU?

I really don't understand what the big deal is surrounding the anonymity of the person who started this blog.

People often comment on Evelyn's blog that she's only voicing her opinion. Here, everyone can voice an opinion, share an idea, etc... provided you keep within the 'be nice' guidelines - so why not just go ahead and do that?

I don't quite understand your last comment. This isn't my blog, I only post as myself, and I'm not Goodie two shoes. I'm a much better speller :o)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous November 24, 2008 9:31 AM said...

I guess it this kind of interaction that renders this site useless.

(Untrue - only wishful thinking on your part, I'm afraid)

It's a given when the whole appeal of the site rests on the mystery of who is behind it.

(Actually, it only seems to be an obsession with a certain faction. One that doesn't like the "moving target" that the anonymity provides. They'd love to identify the author so that he/she could be "discredited" and easily dismissed)

I know my friends are just having fun with the "Where is Waldo" aspect of the site.

(Good for you! We all can enjoy a jolly jape - just not when the town's affairs and taxpayers' money is at stake.)

We love that Bill Hogg spelt it all out about having your friends write in.

(So do we. To have Aurora residents engaged and contributing to the community debate is the ideal.)

And let there be no mistake we are amusing ourselves.

(But hopefully at no one's expense.)

Thank you Heather Sisman/Anonymous/Goodie two shoes. When work gets tedious we can always turn to Aurora Citizen for comedic relief.

(See, it's not "useless", after all. But then we knew that already. Why else would there be attempts to disparage and diminish it? Would something that you try to deride and trivialize merit constant monitoring and comment? This blog is not a frivolous exercise despite your desire to deem it so.

The attention that the blog garners (even from those desperate to counteract it) only attracts more.)

And thank you Heather for keeping the good humour flowing. Everyone appreciates a good laugh!

(Yes, they do. And if the attempts to disparage the effectiveness of this blog weren't so pathetic they might elicit the odd chuckle...or two.)