Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is the Proper Use of Social Media by Politicians

A very interesting discussion has branched off in the commentary section of Toronto Star Editorial Weights in. We thought we would start a specific post for this discussion.

Unfortunately we can't move the comments, so if you are interested, check out the comments in the original post.

The discussion is about how elected politicians should use social media (i.e. blogs, letters to the Editor) as well as interviews/press releases to get their points across. And whether they should continue to publicly debate issues after the decision has been made in the political arena.

Also covered is how their use of media is different from the general public.

Some very interesting commentary.

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Something Fishy in Aurora said...

A direct quote from Wiki.

"Blogging can sometimes have unforeseen consequences in politically sensitive areas. Blogs are much harder to control than broadcast or even print media. As a result, totalitarian and authoritarian regimes often seek to suppress blogs and/or to punish those who maintain them."

Hmmm...sounds like Aurora.

Madame Stalin?

Anonymous said...

Robert the Bruce, do you care to share your views on the Town’s latest development charge by-law?

Robert the Bruce said...

To Anonymous 8/24/2009 @ 9:42pm.

What exactly are you looking for from my views? The bylaw was passed in May. Development charge bylaws are regularly updated. I believe that there have been 2 appeals of the bylaw filed.

Builders want lower charges/potential residents want lower charges/municipal governments want higher charges. It's always a balance that needs to be struck.


someone who loves this town more than politics said...

the battle between claiming dissent vs. freedom of speech in the blogosphere picks up speed as the US military is looking to block blogs

looks like blogs are powerful tools of communication, hooray to all those that have figured that out and use them to get the word out, shame on those that haven't figured it out and like a bully want to silence others voice if it critiques their own, or fails to lavish them with praise